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English Dexway Academy - Level C1 - Course 2


The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on subjects such as cinema, expressing ability, obligation and prohibition as well as presenting and interpreting statistics. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures in all tenses. Productive and receptive skills are stretched with more phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, the different verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives, expressing future possibility, and giving opinions. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, vowel sounds, elision, homophones as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. In terms of conversation, the learner can now approach most situations with little or no preparation. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.


Unit 1
Shopping at the supermarket
Successful relationships
In round figures
Test exercises
Unit 2
Going on a tour
A mythical island
We would make a name for ourselves
A place I could call home - Listening comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 3
Getting the contract
An agony aunt
Get things into proportion
Test exercises
Unit 4
Some troubles with the tour
Top model and future star
Your dog on the big screen
The Color Purple - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 5
Saying goodbye
Choosing a present
How objects are
Working out the puzzle - Use of English
Test exercises
Unit 6
On the way to Ireland
Christmas stories
Brunch or a regular meal?
Test exercises
Unit 7
Setting up a business account - Typical situation
Your interests - Dialogue
Marketing mix - Dictation
Company's goals - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Course revision
End-of-module test.
Final test


En Criteria creemos que para que la formación e-Learning sea realmente exitosa, tiene que estar basada en contenidos 100% multimedia (imágenes, sonidos, vídeos, etc.) diseñados con criterio pedagógico y soportados en una plataforma que ofrezca recursos de comunicación como chats, foros y conferencias…

Esto se logra gracias al trabajo coordinado de nuestro equipo e-Learning integrado por profesionales en pedagogía, diseño multimedia y docentes con mucha experiencia en las diferentes áreas temáticas de nuestro catálogo.

Nuestras señas de indentidad

  • 21 años formando profesionales
  • Más de 1000 títulos en modalidad eLearning en todas las áreas de competencia
  • El alumnado estudia en nuestro campus virtual, es fácil, flexible y disponible 24x7
  • Gestionamos la bonificación en Fundae, si lo necesitas
  • Aportamos el equipo docente, tanto para el seguimiento y dinamización como para resolver dudas de contenido del alumnado

Cursos de IDIOMAS

Catálogo realizado por Maubic para Criteria. Todos los derechos reservados.