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English Dexway Academy - Level C1 - Course 3


Starting with Conditional phrases, time clauses and a review of the Passive voice the learner will encounter exercises to practice reported speech, prepositional clauses, synonyms and antonyms as well as Relative clauses. By now the learner will be able to converse on a wide range of subjects areas from detailed descriptions to abstract concepts. In terms of pronunciation, the learner will continue to model native speakers at a natural speed and be aware of contractions, intonation, elision, homophones, homographs and diphthongs.


Unit 1
In an Irish pub
Visiting the doctor
The Emerald Island
Turned my life upside down - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 2
Welsh culture
A nice cup of tea
Cheap labour for cheap products
Test exercises
Unit 3
Hogmanay in Scotland
The language spoken by the original settlers
Have a nice day!
Self-driving cars - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 4
Sightseeing in London
The truth game
Famous quotes
Welcome to the debate - Listening comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 5
Remembering the tour
Drawing and painting therapy group
Handmade greeting cards
Test exercises
Unit 6
Making plans for the future
Revealing your luck
Legends of the mysterious monarch - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Unit 7
Trouble abroad - stolen credit card and passport - Typical situation
Superstitions - Dialogue
Buzz words - Dictation
Fraud Prevention Centre - Reading comprehension
Test exercises
Course revision
End-of-module test.
Final test


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Catálogo realizado por Maubic para Criteria. Todos los derechos reservados.